Non Addictive Opioids Showing Some Promise in Animal Study
America is struggling with the addictive opioid epidemic. Our team at Advanced Rapid Detox and many proactive medical professionals are fed up with the thousands of deaths that occur because of an addiction to opioids. So, the medical community has committed their time to finding a painkilling drug that is non addictive. Medical researchers in the USA and Japan have come together to create a synthetic drug that may provide just as much pain relief as opioids, without having to worry about the potential for addiction.
The AT-121 Drug – Is it a Saving Grace for Those Struggling With Drug Addiction?
This drug, known as AT-121, was tested on rhesus monkeys to determine how they reacted when it came to side effects and addiction. What these researchers found is that the monkeys were able to experience pain relief without any dangerous side effects. Additionally, they did not show any addictive behavior in regards to the use of this drug. The monkeys were given the opportunity to press a button to request more of the AT-121 drug, however they chose not to. Obviously, this is great news, however there hasn’t been enough research or testing yet to be able to test this drug on humans. The dosage amount of the AT-121 was significantly less than other opioid dosages. Could this be the turning point towards grabbing a hold of the opioid epidemic? Our team at Advanced Rapid Detox sure hopes so! Utilizing monkeys instead of mice in this study helps researchers correlate these findings to human use.
Research is not Complete Concerning AT-121 and Non Addictive Opioids
These scientists will continue to study and research the fine details around AT-121. With these positive results found already, there is a lot of optimism for the future. The end goal is to make a positive impact on the opioid epidemic and the work around this is not complete until a turning point has been reached.
Advanced Rapid Detox is Here to Help You on Your Journey to Freedom from Opioids
At Advanced Rapid Detox, we love to hear about the research studies that are being done to try and find a non addictive opioid. The AT-121 drug is definitely showing some promise with the monkey study, which is exciting. Obviously, this will take quite some time to fully evaluate, so it is important for our team at Advanced Rapid Detox to continue doing our part to reduce opioid addictions and overdoses. If you or someone that you know is struggling with an addictive opioid habit, pick up the phone and call (800) 603-1813 or email info@advancedrapiddetox.com and let us help you or your loved one get back on the right track. Your road to recovery begins right here, night now!