Patients of Fraudulent Pain Clinics Struggling to get Help
The purpose of pain clinics is to provide patients with pain medication in a controlled setting where the individual is overseen by a medical professional. This oversight by a medical professional helps ensure that the patient is using the opioids correctly, without any abuse. Recently, there have been patients of fraudulent pain clinics who are struggling to get help. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has raided some pain clinics, which has left many patients without any of the pain medication that they’ve relied on for so long. In turn, these patients are struggling to get help and are in a lot of pain. At Advanced Rapid Detox, we are here to help in any way possible!
Important to Avoid the Streets
Those individuals struggling to get a pain management appointment with a new medical provider are often in a lot of pain. This delay in receiving the opioids that they’ve relied on for so long could cause many individuals to resort to finding these opioids out on the street. This is the last place that our team at Advanced Rapid Detox wants to see any patients turn to. Drugs on the street could be laced with deadly substances and are extremely dangerous for the user as you don’t really know what it is that you’re purchasing. Additionally, you’re no longer under medical supervision, which introduces another dangerous dynamic. A great way to avoid the streets when it comes to seeking help is to come visit our rapid detox center in Michigan.
Withdrawal under Sedation
Many patients are going through withdrawals because they no longer have access to the pain medication that was provided in the past by the fraudulent pain clinics that have been raided. Going through withdrawals on your own is something that you should not handle alone. By partnering with our team at Advanced Rapid Detox, you’ll be able to go through these withdrawals while under sedation. This will make the withdrawal process much more manageable. Our detox center is not like many other detox facilities that act like a hotel. At Advanced Rapid Detox, you’ll be in a hospital, so that medical care is immediately available should it be needed. To top it off, we’ll help you get your life back together, without having to rely so heavily on pain medication and opioids.
Reach Out to Advanced Rapid Detox Today for Help
If you are in the middle of a tough situation where you’re struggling to get help because a fraudulent pain clinic that you’ve used has been raided by the DEA, don’t give up. Rather than turning to the streets, choose instead to partner with our team at Advanced Rapid Detox. We’re committed to helping you manage your withdrawals so that you can get your life back on track once and for all. To learn more about our opiate detox facility, give us a call today at (800) 603-1813.