Tech Industry Using Blockchain to Fight the Opioid Epidemic
The opioid epidemic is causing harm to individuals from all backgrounds. The fight against the opioid epidemic is continuing to get stronger and stronger, which is a great thing! In fact, the tech industry is now getting involved in the fight by using blockchain to fight the opioid crisis. At Advanced Rapid Detox, we wanted to take the time to acknowledge the incredible work being done to fight the opioid epidemic by two large tech companies; IBM & Intel. These tech companies are working directly with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to better manage patient data with blockchain technology. In turn, this is having a positive impact on the opioid crisis in our country and around the world.
The Blockchain Details Regarding the Opioid Epidemic
IBM has developed a blockchain enabled health surveillance system, which can be used to help public health agencies better track patient prescription practices in the hospital and physician setting. The data focuses on collecting data from surveys around patients seeking care and how medical professionals are prescribing antibiotics and opioids. Intel, on the other hand is incorporating blockchain into better managing digital currencies when it comes to buying and selling opioids anonymously. Digital currencies have made buying and selling opioids anonymously much easier, and Intel has made it a point to reduce this trend. Through blockchain, Intel and IBM are working to better track how opioids are being distributed from point to point. Utilizing blockchain to help better track and manage opioid use may not stop the opioid epidemic, but it certainly will help.
Advanced Rapid Detox Applauds the Use of Blockchain Technology to Curb Opioid Addiction
At Advanced Rapid Detox, we truly appreciate the hard work of companies such as IBM and Intel when it comes to fighting the opioid epidemic. We are all in this fight together and we’re thrilled to see what blockchain can do to help fight this epidemic in the future. It’s our belief that technology can play an integral part in helping us as a society begin to curb the opioid crisis that’s ravaging communities around our country. In the meantime, if you or someone you know is struggling with opioid abuse, pick up the phone and contact our opiate detox center today at (800) 603-1813. We’ve been providing opiate detox services since 2007 and our addiction specialists will be by your side every step of the way. Our team is standing by ready to help you beat your opiate addiction once and for all!