Why Do We Encourage Vivitrol® Maintenance Therapy After Our Rapid Opiate Detox Procedure?
At Advanced Rapid Detox, our rapid opiate detox procedure is a critical aspect of the recovery process from an addiction to opiates. However, it is important to understand that while this procedure definitely helps you become opiate-free in just three days, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you will not still have the urge to engage in opiate use after the detox procedure. That is why we encourage our patients to tap into Vivitrol® maintenance therapy after your rapid opiate detox procedure. These two things go hand in hand and are crucial steps that need to be taken together to ensure that your opiate addiction is a part of your past and not your future.
Get to Know Vivitrol Maintenance Therapy
Simply put, Vivitrol® maintenance therapy is an opiate receptor blocker and antagonist. This therapy focuses on blocking any opiate cravings that you may have after your rapid opiate detox procedure. Additionally, this maintenance therapy effectively diminishes the pleasurable effects that one may typically experience when using heroin, morphine, Oxycodone or other opiates. The reason that this is so impactful right after our rapid opiate detox procedure is because your chances of relapsing when it comes to opiates are much higher during the first month after your rapid opiate detox procedure than it is many months down the road. If you can get through the first month after your procedure, you’ve got a greater chance to remain an opiate free lifestyle. At Advanced Rapid Detox, we recommend engaging in Vivitrol® maintenance therapy for at least one full year. Vivitrol® itself is covered by Medicaid and most other insurances, so what do you have to lose? After going through this therapy, we’re confident that you will look back years from now and be glad that you took advantage of this effective Vivitrol® maintenance therapy.
Overcome Your Addiction to Opiates
The good news is that you and the support group around you acknowledge that you need to address your opiate addiction. Making the decision to seek help is arguably the hardest part of the entire process. From there, our dedicated and committed staff at Advanced Rapid Detox will be with you every step of the way. Take advantage of our effective rapid opiate detox procedure. After your procedure is complete, don’t underestimate the importance of tapping into Vivitrol® maintenance therapy for at least one year. We cannot wait to help you on this journey to recovery so that we can celebrate you getting your life back in the right direction very soon! To learn more about Vivitrol® maintenance therapy after your rapid opiate detox procedure, give Advanced Rapid Detox a call today at (800) 603-1813 or email info@advancedrapiddetox.com.