Wisconsin Drug Overdose Deaths Due to Opioids up Significantly Since 2000
According to the CDC, over 2 million Americans have either been dependent on prescription opioids or have abused them. Unfortunately, those numbers aren’t going anywhere. More specific to Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services states that the number of drug overdose deaths in Wisconsin that are caused by prescription opioids has increased by 600 percent since the year 2000. How is this happening and why are we not talking about these numbers more often? While these numbers are very real and incredibly sad, the real grief comes with all the families who have lost loved ones and even abusers who have lost their own lives due to opioid drug overdoses. At Advanced Rapid Detox, we recognize the numbers and the statistics but we certainly don’t treat you like one. If you are in need of opiate detox in Wisconsin, let us help you today.
Treat ‘em and Street ‘em
Another fact from the CDC details that over 1,000 people come into the emergency department for misusing prescription opioids every single day. Of those 1,000 people, how many do you think are detoxed and clean? When someone is in distress and in a life-threatening emergency, 9-1-1 is always going to be the answer. Emergency rooms are in the business of saving lives and treating your immediate problem. However, detox is not always their end game. A well-known statement among many emergency room physicians tends to be “treat them and street them.” While all healthcare providers do their best to care for the ill, is it the responsibility of the ER to get them clean? At Advanced Rapid Detox, not only is it our job, it’s our duty.
What is Advanced Rapid Detox?
So what exactly is Advanced Rapid Detox and who is it for? This anesthesia based program is a division of Pontiac General Hospital that focuses on getting patients completely detoxed and then providing them with the proper aftercare to help them stay clean. Our mission is to provide the very best drug addiction recovery treatment possible in hopes that we can help reduce the number of drug overdose deaths in Wisconsin and around the country.
How Does It Work?
When you or your loved one is ready to get clean, our Medical Doctor and Anesthesiologist will place you under a light sedation. As many have experienced in the past , detox from opioids is intense and extremely painful. Light sedation can allow the body to heal, allowing hydration, vitamin replenishing and wellness for recovery. We believe that this process is a safe way to remove opioids from the body in just a few days and then get you on the right path to wellness.
Aftercare Program
Once the opioids are out of your system, we understand that the long road to recovery is still beginning. We offer long-term detox related aftercare by your treating physician who is devoted to helping you stay clean. Additionally, we provide patients with a prescription of Vivitrol® which is an opiate blocker that saves lives by blocking the effects of opiates in case of a relapse. Our aftercare staff is always here to help.
If you or a loved one lives in Wisconsin and are tired of making the same mistakes over and over again, stop letting opiates control your life and give us a call today. We offer free consultations with a Doctor that intimately understands opiate addictions. For more information, give Advanced Rapid Detox a call today at (800) 603-1813 or email info@advancedrapiddetox.com.