Florida Governor Signs Bill Targeting Opioid Addiction in Florida
It’s no secret that the beautiful sunshine state has had a surge in drug overdoses within the past few years. So much so that Governor, Rick Scott, declared a public-health emergency just last year due to the rise in opioid addiction in Florida. This critical topic has continued to trend into this year as the Florida Governor just recently signed a bill that targets opioid addiction in the sunshine state. With 1,390 deaths from fentanyl, 952 deaths from heroin, 723 deaths from oxycodone and 245 deaths from hydrocodone, just in 2016 alone, it was time that Florida’s government shed some light on this massive public health issue. At Advanced Rapid Detox, we are here to help those who are suffering recover from the pains of opioid abuse. We’re here to help you get your life back together and put you on the right path to recovery.
What are the Details of this Bill?
To sum it up in layman’s terms, doctors are limited to writing controlled substance prescriptions for a three day supply of opiates. If medically necessary, this could go to seven days if it meets certain criteria. Additionally, providers must check with the statewide database before prescribing or dispensing any controlled substance to the patient. Lawmakers decided on this bill as its goal is to prevent addicts from visiting multiple doctors and pharmacies and abusing these drugs recreationally.
Recovery From Opioid Addiction in Florida
Many argue that this will force more patients to find these drugs illegally on the street and/or turning to alternative drugs like heroin. To counter, the hope of this bill is to help residents of Florida overcome their addictions and begin to heal. Regardless of the bill and the positive and negative components that it may hold, addicts will always need a place to recover. At Advanced Rapid Detox, we want to be that place for you. Withdrawals from controlled substances like opiates can be brutal and sometimes deadly. The risk of rebound is much higher during detox because it the pain and side effects can be unbearable. Advanced Rapid Detox allows you to go through these opiate withdrawals all while you are under sedation. We have expert doctors and addiction specialists that want to see you succeed. We offer long-term detox related aftercare by your treating physician and allow you to recover in a private room inside a state of the art hospital as opposed to in a hotel room.
This Florida bill can be a positive thing for you or your loved one. It can be the added push that helps you recover. For more information about Advanced Rapid Detox or the bill that targets opioid addiction in Florida, give us a call today at (800) 603-1813 or email info@advancedrapiddetox.com.