New York Seeing First Drop in Opioid Overdose Deaths Since 2009
The Governor of New York State, Andrew Cuomo, has announced that for the first time since 2009, the number of people who suffered an opioid related death per year has fallen.
The number of people who died in 2017 in New York because of an opioid overdose was 2,170. The number of people who died in 2018 in the state because of a similar overdose was 1,824. That marks a decrease of 15.9 percent.
Despite Ongoing Efforts, Around 2,000 People Still Die Each Year in New York State Due to Opioid Overdose
In a press release issued by the governor’s office, it was said that while it remained disappointing news that around 2,000 people each year still die in such tragic and unnecessary circumstances, it did at least herald good news in that the annual figure had finally dropped.
The release also claimed that this ‘significant’ drop was largely due to “several aggressive actions taken by the Governor over the past several years to combat opioid addiction”.
Over the past four years or so, the state has made an additional 500 beds available for the treatment of opioid dependency, and there are now nearly 2,000 slots available on the state’s opioid treatment program. Governor Cuomo has also ordered the expansion of traditional services such as residential treatment programs and crisis services.
The news release also revealed that well over 30,000 people made at least one visit to a New York State recovery center in 2018.
Governor Cuomo Says He Will Continue to Target Efforts to Reduce the Impact of Opioids
“New York’s first reduction in opioid overdose deaths in over ten years is an important milestone and demonstrates our work to combat this deadly scourge is working,” said Governor Cuomo. “And while New York has taken the most aggressive actions to combat the opioid crisis of any other state in the country, the opioid epidemic continues to devastate too many families and we will not rest until we put an end to it once and for all.”
Cuomo also said that while the drop in opioid related fatalities is encouraging, it does not mean that efforts to curb the opioid crisis in New York State will diminish, adding that he will continue to work on targets aimed at halting opioid abuse while providing services for those who need help with opioid misuse disorder.
Need Help Dealing with Opioid Addiction? Reach Out to Advanced Rapid Detox Today!
If you or someone you know has been personally affected by opioids, then it is good to know that help is at hand. With the rapid opioid detox program offered by our team here at Advanced Rapid Detox, we can completely rid your body of opioids in as little as three days. To learn more, contact us at (800) 603-1813, or use our online contact form.